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Washington University School of Medicine IT Building

The Project

For the addition to the Information Technology building at the Washington University School of Medicine multiple combinations were used to achieve desired internal comfort. The first is Pilkington Solar-E™ Plus on the second surface on Grey substrate combined with Pilkington Energy Advantage™ on the fourth surface. The other set of IGs also had Pilkington Energy Advantage™ on the fourth surface with Pilkington Eclipse Advantage™  on the second surface on Grey substrate.

The glass was fabricated by Oldcastle Building Envelope out of Warrenton, MO and the glazing contractor was Brothers Glass out of O'Fallon, MO.

  Project ReferenceUSA317R
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Project Details
660 S Euclid Ave, St. Louis, MO 63110
Building Type
  • Education
About the Architect/Installer
Benefit Led Categories
  • Solar Control