
KyAMK Paja, Finland

The Project
The Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences is an excellent example of combining modernity and historical heritage. The almost 100 year old red brick buildings of the military base in Kouvola were released for civilian use in the 1990’s. The Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences has occupied the area since 1998. The architecture of the new building is highly exceptional, with its glass façades and its large workshop facilities buried below the historical parade ground. The large glass walls create a fascinating contrast to historical setting.

The most visible part of this new building is a glass café and exhibition gallery. Thanks to its 18 glass panes the space is open and bright. The workshop rooms are hidden underground. To achieve maximum light transmission, the internal walls have been made of Pilkington Optiwhite™ glass.

The new construction is located on the slope between the main building and the library.

Photography: Mikael Linden
  Project ReferenceGL_PR0021
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Project Details
Kasarminmäki, Kouvola, Finland
Opening Date
21 Sep 2010
Building Type
  • Education
About the Architect/Installer
Arkkitehdit NRT Oy
Benefit Led Categories
  • Solar Control
  • Enhanced Visibility