
Centrum Królewska, Warsaw, Poland

The Project

The Centrum Królewska is a prestigious A-class office building located in Warsaw, at the intersection of Marszałkowska and Królewska streets. The building, designed by the Kuryłowicz & Associates architectural studio, marks the area of the very center of Warsaw from the north.

The elevations of the three walls of the Centrum Królewska were made of travertine and granite stone slabs, and the southern facade is a curtain wall of aluminum profiles. The windows use Pilkington Insulight™ Sun insulating glass units made of Pilkington Suncool™ 51/37* high performance solar control glass, ensuring high light transmittance with low solar energy transmittance and very good thermal insulation.

The Centrum Królewska complex has received the BREEAM In-Use Estate certificate with a Very Good grade in the Building Management category for management and Asset Performance for the construction and construction qualities of the facility. The certification confirms that it meets the demanding guidelines for office space and provides a sustainable working environment of the highest standard!

In 2003, the building was awarded by the Intelligent Building Group with the title: Intelligent Building of the Year 2003 in the "office building" category, and in the plebiscite "Favorite of Warsaw 2002-2003" organized by the Polish newspaper "Gazeta Wyborcza" and architecture magazine "Architektura - Murator", it took first place in the category office buildings.

* The manufacture of Pilkington Suncool™ 51/37 glass used in this project has been discontinued. Instead, we propose the use of a wide range of high performance solar control glass with even better technical performance: Pilkington Suncool™ 50/25, Pilkington Suncool™ 66/33, Pilkington Suncool™ 70/35, and many other types.

  Project ReferenceGL_PR0126
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Project Details
Surface Area
800 m²
142 Marszałkowska str., Warsaw, Poland
Opening Date
Building Type
  • Office Building
Certification Details
BREEAM Very Good
About the Architect/Installer
Kuryłowicz & Associates
PIA Piasecki; IGUs: Pilkington IGP
Benefit Led Categories
  • Solar Control
  • Thermal Insulation